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Smile Or Laugh Without Hurting

Smile or laugh without hurting. We born to enjoy in the world but our enjoyment also hurts ignorantly, mean some one is disturbed by our appearance. Your appearance attracts the opposite sex the opposite sex, if you are not interested no one can help. Only if you get interest this problem can be solved. You can also accept but it is your position, you are not responsible for it. If you speak some thing about some one, and his personal, or his caliber, or his culture, or his family. You should think you also belong to him mean the same community. Or same being. You are not born from external world. When earthly born human being is your opponent, you are also enemy to your self. If you find happiness by some suffering of others or you think you can live comfortable more than your opponent than you will have a laugh of your opponent. If you laugh or Smile towards any of the other weakness, mind that you will also face the same thing soon. What ever we are strong in today it is purely temporary and will have changes one day and we will lose the power, and you will be moved for training. To learn the same thing in new version we will be forced. Contact:[email protected]

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