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The Last Slice Of Rainbow
(Joan Aiken)

?The Last Slice of Rainbow? The Last Slice of Rainbow
is a series of children?s tales, ones they can get lost in and have a
great deal of fun. Clem chases rainbows, makes a haggard old witch
happy, and guides the reader into the next tale about a troll who wants
nothing more than to steal a child?s bicycle and ride away, not into
the sunset but into the path of a moving car! Just turn the pages to
see how Joan Aiken sets that tale up right. A child born into
royalty has no choice, and the tale of the Queen with Screaming Hair is
no different. Whacking off a cat?s whiskers is mischievous, but what if
the consequences are dire? In this case it was. Will little Christina
learn to ignore her screaming, not so nice hair, or will she become a
well-disciplined queen? This tale will keep any little girl hanging
onto the edge of her seat. Haven?t you ever wished to have
more than a memory when it comes to your childhood home especially if
it was sold, leveled, or just doesn?t belong to you any more? What if a piece of that property misses you too, and desperately? The tale of The Tree that Loved a Girl is just that.
This tree is willing to give leaves, a branch, and perhaps it?s life to
have the child dance under its branches happily once again. But what if
the child can never go back again. Maybe she can?t, but the truth is,
stories like these have magic that make the impossible something rich
and favorable. What if you lose your legs in another
tale? How will you catch them? The Last Slice of Rainbow is simply a
collection of tales that will keep children in awe, and parents
grateful that their child was entertained.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Witches

- The Little Prisoner

- El Principito

- Fairy Tales Vs Novels

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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