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Tomorrow Comes Late, Perhaps Never

If you want to start any job constructively, you should not postpone it for the next
day. You should do it immediately. It is hard to keep your thought on the job till the
next day. The basic reason is that the mind can never be ancored at one particular point
of thought. Before the next day, there would be many other factors causing distrubance to
the original thought. It will not stick to the same way of doing the job.
The implimentation of a job needs many things in general, involving others also. Even if
the person who wants to do the job stands on the same idea, others would differ. The
thoughts are not the same. It would be changing always. When the job is postponed, it
takes a very long time for the mind to come back to its first and main thought and do the
job early. Sometimes even it may take several weeks. Already we are leading a very
unpredictable life and therefore there is no any assurance for tomorrow. We do not know
what is going to happen tomorrow.
Many astrologers say that some days are not good days or auspicious days to start any new
job. But as for as you are concerned, the best day and the most auspicious day is the day
in which you start the work. If you start the job today, then today is the most powerful
day and that would bring luck too. If you think to work today, by all means do it today.
You should never wait for tomorrow, because tomorrow comes very late, sometimes never.

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