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Poetry Review/vol: 95:4:winter/05/06
(Poetry Society)

This year's Volume of Poems leads us well into the beginning middle and end of poetry
written by poets for poets! You may well ask the question -

/Where do I, the reader, fit in, in the scheme of things/

Well, now is your chance to analyse, dissect, understand. energise, make believable the Poetic Map of London and its widespread International Audience. My eyes were drawn to the poet:
Arjen Duinker and his poem: THE BLUEBIRD - it has a wonderful melodic quality that satisfies the audience and effectively mesmerises you into a sense of cadence and rhythm! His lines are colourful, jocular and
the rhyming scheme keeps us all /wide awake/ throughout the long narrative of this poem!

/On every battlefield/ /History without mountains/ /Listen to history/

I love the links as they fall so naturally and provide a seamless piece of work. unquestionably enjoyable.

Kate Bingham has written a Poem entitled /Crying/ - this always makes me think of the
Crying Game song that was popular in my childhood. However, Kate Bingham goes on to write about the emotions of crying; indeed, it would lead many a depressive personality out of the darkness into the light; as her poetic narrative explains how and why babies cry and we as adults simply nod and say - well of course, that's right. Its a kind of therapy poem where the poet too /wants to cry/ I look forward to her sequel on the subject of /Laughing/ Here's how! Ha! Ha! Ha!

The Poetry Review is well presented and keeps the reader up to date on old and new writers!

/I would softly tell my love/ a poem written by John Berger switches from one set of ideas to another:
the streets of Prague or his Turkish friend in prison! All active areas invade his space! All his contemplative poems he has read /in translation/ I must say, I loved his work and admire his artistic strength in this composition in the Poetry Review 2005/2006 Moving from one poet to another
/A Musical Interlude/ grabbed my attention thus: poet: Tamara Fulcher writes: CHOIRSINGER! the story tells of the performer who sings /just songs/ what a lovely experience it all is! Lastly Amir Or has a lovely poem entitled: /Language Says/ know what you are about and listen to the silence!
Simon Armitage has a poem too entitled: The Patent! I loved his reference to the people putting up light bulbs! Its the ordinary things that highlight the daytime's activites: I must admit I enjoyed this poem phenomenally! Great reading!

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