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All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten
(Robert Fulghum)

The journey of each of our lives vary from one another. We are scattered all over the world's geographical boundaries and distinguished by our cultural diversities. However, we are all connected by one common thread...the thread of humanity; the thread of being human and the thread of human feelings and emotions felt by one and all irrespective of all the other separating factors. It is here where Robert Fulghum has succeeded in bringing the people of the world together to smile and cry with him moved by a universal human bonding and common feelings.
The book does not contain any specific story or incident depicting the message that it wants to bring forth; rather it is a series of small individual incidents which provides a glimpse of every single aspect of our human nature; be it love , childishness, foolishness or the silent feelings which often remain unsaid or unexpressed. A rainbow of emotions carries the reader along from one page to another leaving him/her helpless to move on to the next incident or the next chapter. And yet, every single chapter is a promise of a fresh story; and moves the reader to yet another fresh feeling. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the book is the author's capability to make his readers identify with the events and incidents narrated by him in some way or the other...if not literally, then definitely hypothetically. One starts reading and after he has finished the last chapter, finds himself delving deep into what he has just read with a smile on his lips and some tears in his eyes. One feels he has learnt about the essence of life through the most simple happenings of our day to day life and never realised so much lay underneath those simple words and casual tone.
And there remains the book on our favuorite list only to be read again and again in times of small difficulties in life to enrich us or to cheer us up in one of our glum days.

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