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Lara Croft Tomb Raider The Cradle Of Life
(Dave Stern)

Lara Croft set out in search of the La Luna temple supposed to be where Alexander the Great stashed most of the treasures of the nations he has conquered. After a volcanic eruption, it disappeared into the sea. She hired the Petrakis with their vessel Konstatinos. She plotted the whereabouts of the treasure and set out with Jimmy and Nicholas Petraki. She is looking for Pandora's box. They found the place and an orb and a medallion. As she was about to dislodge the orb there were six men behind them and they killed her companions. She was able to kill the two and a wall collapsed and killed the other two while the others escaped. She was able to swim to safety and activated her transmitter for help. She was saved by a British submarine with her two assistants Bryce and Hillary on board. Two M16 agents came to her at Croft Manor and she learned that the Shay Ling bandits led by Chen Lo, the killer of the two Petrakis who deal in stolen treasures were connected to Jonathan Reiss, a scientist who creates biological weapons for sale. Lara now realised that Reiss wants Pandora's box because she reckons through analysis of the murals at La Luna temple that it was really the plague from the Pandors's box that killed most of Alexander the Great's soldiers. He can make more biological weapons out of it. M16 offered her the job of finidng Chen lo but she would not be able to without the help of Terry Sheridan who had dealings with them. He was a former SAS and the best of the lot and turned mercenary. They had a relationhip once when she made a deal with him to help her and he fled with most of the treasures they found together. She knew that she would kill him this time. Sheridan was in a maximum security prison and she offered him $4 million and his freedom if she could get her to Chen Lo and reclaim the orb. He agreed and they were able to get to Chen Lo in China and Lara killed him. She and Sheridan killed most of their bodyguards but the orb was already on its way to Hong Kong where Reiss has a secret laboratory. They were not able to reclaim the orb but Lara was determined to trace Reiss laboratory . They escaped through a cruise ship and she was able to shackle Sheridan to the bed as he wants to go with her. She released him of his obligations with the money and his freedom. Sheridan was able to follow her. She left her tracer at Reiss laboratory and they followed her to Africa where her native contact knew about the orb. He told her not to mess with the orb so as not to anger the shadow guradians. Anyway she did not know that Reiss has kidnapped her assistants and forced her to take them to the mountain top. In mysterious circumstances all of Reiss bodyguards were killed by the guardians. With only Reiss and her left, Reiss wanted her to take the box which was in the middle of an acid pond. Lara was able to overpower him and push him into the acid. Sheridan was desguised as the pilot of the chopper and killed the bodyguards there. He took the box and told Lara she would not kill him and tarried before pointing the gun at her but she anticipated it and killed him instead. Lara realised something in him wanted to die there for her.

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