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Does Your Personality Change When You Become Promoted?
(Otakar Batlicka)

As long as Rolf Gather was an ordinary worker on the construction of the Ferro Caril tunnel in central Argentina, he behaved like everybody else. He complained about the strictness of guards, about the hard and dangerous work, long working hours and small salary.

But then his star started to shine. He was promoted to be a guard. Straight away the first day, when he appeared at the tunnel without a shovel, everyone noticed, how much he changed. With his hands behind his back he would walk through the workplace, from time to time he would say silly remarks to the workers but even more often he would tell them off. During lunch break he would summon his subordinates and shouted that from now on everything would change, everyone would work hard and there would be no more lazing around.

There was one Moravian who, I do not know whether the new guard sensed to be a man of higher level, or whether he could read disrespect from his blue eyes; but it was soon shown that he was not his cup of tea. He forced him to work overtime and was giving him the most dangerous work. And the work created really a lot of dangers. The Moravian was a dynamero ? porter of explosives.

It was just time for lunch break. The workers sat down where they heard the guard?s whistle. They are eating their modest lunches and are anxiously watching Rolf Gather, who is heading towards the Moravian telling him that in the afternoon he is going to explode charges in the northern wall. Because he wanted to save on time and material he wanted him to use much shorter lines than previously ? shorter lines also meant workers would have to wait shorter periods of time and would not laze about so much. But that created more dangers for the Moravian.

Straight after lunch we started digging openings for the charges. I was helping the Moravian to carry the box of dynamite to the hillside. Everyone was getting out of our way. By the rock I am reminding him to be careful and the Moravian is slowly putting the explosives into the holes.
I was running into the shelter in the opposite wall. All the workers were already there even guard Rolf Gather.
A signal sounded that the rock would be fired, but there was no sign of the explosion.
The sky is darkening and the earth is being rained down with stones and dust.
After a little while there is the sound of second, third and fourth explosion.
The guard is impatient and is running full of anger to the Moravian, but we are calling and trying to stop him. Some workers are running out of the doors because there are two more explosions to come.
Too late, the guard ran 30 metres to the firing rock, when a fifth explosion shook through the valley. Rolf Gather stopped, is turning and fleeing back. Now he knocked down over a big stone. He is falling down and stays lying. He is crouching towards the earth and is covering his head with his hands. The door of the shelter squeezes about ten of us. Why isn?t he running away for God?s sake?
The guard is lifting his head and is calling for help because he cannot stand on his leg.
Something moved behind the wide stone. The Moravian. Bent as a soldier in attack he is running to the guard. He pushes Gather behind his back and is running with him behind a big stone. Bang! The rock has been torn with the sixth explosion. Several big stones are stuck into the place where Gather was lying a while ago. We are running out of the shelter and are running to both men. The smell of sulphur and dust is spreading through the valley. The guard is sitting, leaning with his back against the stone. The guard thinks his left leg is broken, but it is only badly twisted. He would only have to lie down for a week or two and then he can supervise the workers again.

And since this event Rolf Gather has changed. We could no longer hear any swearing from him. He walked round the workplace and was trying to cheer up the workers. So how are you mate? And guys here, guys there! From time to time he even helped with the work.

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