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When We Will Find Earth More Beatiful Part 2

In last message we saw what the way to look globe different and beautiful. This part how to find it? In the earth only in few places of the globe we all birds arrive for their growth. They come and stay for some time. Some birds get their baby, and take them Along with their group. All the birds also live only in the nest. As a human being we cannot live in nest as the birds do. We have to find a the place, where we can live as close to earth. We have to find gravity control products first. We can fix the gravity control by speed. And slow. This will help us to come back To our constructed houses and live for short time and go back to the new houses. Which is going to be away from the earth? Positive side of these new houses will be without any environmental pollution. The air Is not pollution. If the houses are made in a way what we think about. We can live Without any pollution. On this basis we will not get any diseases. If we do not get any Diseases just think from baby to maximum life. In this approach a man can live One thousand years also without any problem. In a big life time just think, what best a man can have will have it is sure. We can see Our maximum generations. Some of our family will be in earth. Some of us will be Living in no gravity place. To days life this article may view as it is not possible. But, our grand children will try surely this. That time they will live us in this earth. Due to our age factors and other reasons. We will visit their houses at least, once in Our life time.

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