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You Are Not Lost(2nd Part)

Mind is the major threat to the whole universe. Mind is the cause for all the good
things as well as all the bad things. Mind is the only object to control. It is the very very difficult to give instruction to your mind to work according to your goal.
The mind has no boundary limit. In the other words, it is bigger than the universe. When it starts to work on the right way, there would be no words to appriciate it. But at the same time, when it goes in the other way it would be distructive. If you
start to work on the following points, then slowly you can start to have the control over your mind.
The first factor is the "broad thought". What does this mean? When you think of you, you start to think of you right from the begining till the end. In the other words,
you never think of others. This makes your mind circle very small and narrow. It saves everything only for you and nothing for others. Here, you have to realaize one fact that when you born in this world, you have brought nothing with you. Similarly, when you leave this world, nothing is going to accompany you.Your arrival and depature in this world goes just empty handed. So, nothing to worry about it. Everything in this world is just for some time and nothing is permanent. Thinking of you alone is not sufficient to live with full happiness. For this problem, you just try to think of others also. that would do.
For example, you just think of other persons who are very closely associated with you. That is, you think of your family. Of course, charity begins at home. When you start to try on this, slowly it would be passed to others also. That is your mind circle would be enlarged. In this universe, we do everything only for our happiness. If you are doing something, it would be surely to derive happiness to the mind.
When you seea poor fellow, you are helping him in a way. The person who gets the help from you is very much pleased, But at the same time, you are more happier than the person who really received the help from you. So to say, just to derive happiness to you, you are helping him. Of course, this is not bad. This could be excused. But if you continue in the same way, after certain time, the happiness would not be there. Then it becomes as one of your qualities. then whenever you help to others, you would not be thinking of it again and again. This quality Broad thought is the root cause for the other qualities such as forgiveness, generosity, grace and so on.
When your mind circle is enlarged a little better than from its original ring, then your help to the society develops. Your mind would become generous to everyone and this would be always with a fresh look. This quality paves the way for unconditional thoughts. If a person was bad when you met him last time, it is not at all necessary that he is bad still. Even he would have chaanged as a good person. When you see a flower, as long as you think that it is a flower, the mind is in good condition. But when you think that it is a particular flower, the restriction comes in your mind. When you see an opposite sex person, you would not any thought of things and would move with friendliness. It is not necessary for you to control yourself, as long as you do not have other thoughts. When you see a beautiful girl or a handsome man, your mind would start to enjoy the beauty. As long as the mind stops here, there would be no problems. All the beautiful things in this world are ment for pleassure. It is always a problem when the mind wants to have anything for its own. Just because of the fear of the mind, we call or think others as brothers and sisters. It is not necessary for you to think in that way as long as you do not have other thoughts. Just to control the mind, it is used. You should always try to be free from everything. When you see beautiful and colourful birds, you may feel that it would be better for you to have them in a cage in your place. When you have them in your place, you derive satisfaction. But the mind does not think that they are happy though you provide everything for them. When you set them free, they are happy. But at the same time, when they want to live in a tree that is inside your house, they would be happy and you also enjoy them living there with their regular way of life.This is the way the life goes. But at the same time, the mind would not be interested in bringing home a lion or a tiger into one"s own place, put in the cage, just because of the fear of the mind. So in total, the mind would be ready to enjoy the thing, when there is no danger. This is the quality of the mind.

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