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I'm Not Flipping Burgers When I'm 70
(David Mulonas)

"I'm not flipping burgers when I'm 70," is a personal finance book that starts with a budget and takes the largest pieces from it to guide the reader throughout the personal finance process. The premise of the book conveys that one must plan for the future otherwise the golden years of life may be spent working rather than retiring. Major topics include money management, the complete home ownership process from finding a realtor to the closing and principles for investing money. It is designed for the beginner to the intermediate individuals, generally those who are young in age but applies to anyone who is not sound when it comes to personal finance. The reader gains an education on topics related to money management and how it correlates with personal well being. It allows for one to take control over life itself by being proactive instead of reactive.

As personal finance is a subject that is not taught in school or is properly conveyed to children from their parents, the improper use of debt management may become an epidemic in the United States within the foreseeable future. Living within an "instant gratification society," causes many to live for today without planning for tomorrow. It is already reached a point for many 30-year olds in that they may not reach the same financial achievements as their parents. Therefore, the significance of the book lies in that a high percentage of people are debt ridden and fail to plan for a comfortable life during retirement age. This can lead to low self esteem, high stress levels and cause relationships to falter at any stage in life

The book offers a unique flow in its style because speaks to the reader informally as if you and I we were sitting together on the porch discussing subjects over a glass of lemonade. The subject matter provides answers that are difficult to obtain in the mainstream and the material is broken down into layman's terms so it can be utilized to its full intent. This alone is what separates this publication from all others. Overall though, the true focus of the book is to educate, without being overpowering yet leaving the reader feeling responsible to be a decision maker. This is what breeds confidence which leads to success which leads to having choices throughout life?s journey at any age. I?ll tell you this, I would much rather be the guy ordering the burger than the guy taking the order.

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