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(Anton Chekov)

The boy has not slept this Christmas Eve. He has been working hard in the cobbler's workshop, and as nobody else is there, he tentatively begins to write a letter. It is a sad and miserable place. He has been sent to the city from the village, and separated from his grandfather, shortly after the death of his mother. She worked in service for a rich family, where Vanka learned to read and write, but when she died, he was sent to the kitchen to work with his grandfather, and in the end was sent to the city. The living conditions for the boy, an apprentice at just 9 years old, are terrible, but a ray of hope compells him to write the letter. Meanwhile, his grandfather, who works as a servant for the Jivariov family, gets on with his life in the village, unaware poor Vanka's distress. Dear Grandpa: I wish you a Happy Christmas, and I bless you, for you are all I have in this life, and I ask that you send someone to come and get me. I am suffering so much here in Moscow, and I would like to go back and live with you in the house. I am harshly punished by the masters here, who hit me until I almost cannot breathe, and I am treated badly and shamed by the officials who work here. I have very little to eat and I sleep in the hallway, when I don't have to rock the baby's cot, because he wakes a lot in the night. I ask you to come and get me because I am going to die. I promise that I will pray for you and I will always look after you, and if I am bad I will let you beat me. Also I can do any work for the masters in the big house. Vanka looks sadly out of the window, remembering happier times, when he would go with his grandfather to the woods to cut down a fir for Christmas, and comparing this with his current situation, he continues: Dearest Grandpa, please, come and get me! All I do is cry, and I am so hungry, and so sad! My life is worse than a dog's, I can't take any more! With best wishes, I'm waiting for you, Ivan Jukov. The poor boy puts the letter in an envelope which he addresses: 'To Grandpa who lives in the village,' and then adds, 'For Konstantin Makarich'. He runs out happily into the street and posts his precious message in a postbox. Then he returns, goes to bed, and sleeps deeply. He dreams of his grandfather, reading the letter by the fire.

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