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Ramirez - Memórias De Cinco Gerações
(Nelson Soares)

Ramirez - Memories of five generations is that and nothing more: a door to the premises of Ramirez conserves. A door to the "house" and an opened window on the activity of a company that since 152 years ago struggles and keeps alive the tradition of national conserves. From Vila Real de Santo António (VRSA) to Matosinhos, passing through Olhão, Albufeira, Setúbal e Peniche, the industrial and commercial activity of Ramirez is full of remarkable episodes. To be the first conserves industry to operate in the country, gives VRSA the title of cradle of conserves. By applying the principles discovered by Nicholas Appert and, later on, theorized by Pasteur, it revolutionizes, in Portugal, the concept of food conserve. In the beginning of the last century, it begins to export products and throws its first "sardinheiro" galleon on steam, the Nossa Senhora da Encarnação. During the 30s, one of its managers was also a pioneer on the area's corporate organization. And on the 70s, the easy-to-open cans are born also from the obssessive will of serving well its actual owner, Manuel Guerreiro Ramirez. Deeply marked by honest personalities who leaded the company, this book reveals, by words and pictures, that Ramirez is nowadays one of the rare family companies of fifth generation, which surpassed and grew disturbed by dozens of revolutions, the fall of empires and two big world wars. It's simply a story of the most ancient conserves industry in the world still operating...

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