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Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone

This book, the first of the series, introduces us to Harry Potter, an orphan who lives with his aunt and uncle Dursley, and his hateful cousin Dudley, who feel nothing for Harry but utter rejection. Harry's life changes radically when strange letters addressed to him, whose content his uncle is determined to conceal, begin to arrive at his house at number 4 Privet Drive. Fleeing these mysterious letter, the Dursleys take Harry and their own son where they think they will never be found, to a small house on the beach. There, despite his family's plans, Harry discovers the truth about where he came from, thanks to the arrival of an enormous man named Hagrid. He tells Harry that his parents did not die in a car accident, as he had been told, but that they were killed by a Lord Voldemort, of whom Harry had never heard. But the most surprising thing that Harry is told is that he will have the chance to begin his studies at Hogwarts, a school of magic and sorcery. And it turns out that Harry, although he had never imagined it, is no less than a wizard! A new world opens up before him, firstly with his visit to Diagon alley, where he learns that he is known as 'the boy who survived', as he escaped from the murderous sorcerer Lord Voldemort, and nobody before him had survived being attacked by his spells. Many adventures await him at Hogwarts school, with dangers around him every day and enemies drawing closer, giving him many opportunities to demonstrate his courage and skill as a wizard. But he will also find many people who will help him, and who will become his constant friends.

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- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

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- Harry Potter And The Philosoper's Stone

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