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Crime And Punishment
(Fyodor Dostoevsky)

A young male college student gets caught up in the daily struggles of college and finds himself more than an alcoholic. A typical college student, he seeks to find answers to the problems of society. He commits a violent murder of a pawn shop owner and her younger sister, falls in love with a poor prostitute trying to make it and ends up exploring the threads that hold human sanity in check. Sounds like a moden day crime story with all the elements of modern day suspense and problems, doesn't it? This creatively written novel is set in the late 1800's in Russian society before the collaspe of the Czars. It doesn't take a psychic to see that this story is told countless times in other societies and cultures worldwide despite the lack of modern day electronic transmissions and media. Society was crumbling away and Dostoevsky protrayed the inner most madness that breeds then erupts in such a state.
We often look in the mirror to see our real character within us and Raskolnikov did the same. What was reflected back was a sane young man who still held it together after committing a heinous crime. Its a battle of his conscious and sub-conscious to justify his act. In the end he tries to warrent justification from his deeds. Both Rasholnikov and his lover Sonya turn to religion to cleanse themselves of their actions and to find who they are. Only when confronted with looking into the mirror images of themselves, they must question their reality and sanity in a changing society that is crumbling. The reader questions if the crimes committed were actually rationalized considering the ensuing chaos about to take over Russian society. Dostoevsky gives his readers a glimpse into the chaos of Russian society and provides a prelude to the mass chaos that would soon ensue. The reader, hence, must question if Dostoevsky looked into the mirror and saw a different reflection of his being and world.

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