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Harry Potter
(J. K. Rowling)

At the end of the last century phantoms started to hover over our Earth. Small magician Harry Potter and his whole world of books started to penetrate into the consciousness of children and adults alike. The interest in literature, which has been falling, has suddenly and surprisingly increased. And even Harry Potter films were very quick to follow. There were rumours, that J. K. Rowling claimed Harry Potter to be her own from her American colleague. It is, however known, that world?s inventions usually appear at the same time in many different places, the time just became right. Naturally J. K. Rowling?s stories are her own vision and creation. The world of magic which is conducting a fight between good and evil is awakening tension and is encouraging readers to form their own world of imagination, unexpected acts and pictures of human society.
European religions are raising their fingers as a warning in front of religious repercussions. But why should God personally act as Deus ex machinam in a fairytale story? Hasn?t he given us free will? The spirit of the wart school is standing unambiguously on the site of good noble beings, whose fight to a certain extent arises out of our time and is not straightforward. But even the Bible does not give unambiguous solutions, maybe because it believes in forgiveness of sins and atonement of sinners. It wants to lead us into paradise through thorny journeys. Already the life of the little magician was redeemed by the love of his mother. The hellish force of the Satan ? Lord Voldemort ? keep the excitement of fairytale stories, which in reality are representing frightful and cruel problems of our life. Harry, Hermione and Ron are going to fight for fairness with their magical art and braveness and are freeing their friends from the abyss of evil and this in itself does not oppose the commandments of God. The Bible is full of miracles and does not promise an easy redemption. The magic in the books of Harry Potter is mysterious, the opponents are artful and cunning, it is not always clear on whose side who is standing and the same applies to life. There is a whole hierarchy of figures, which represent good, and evil, victory or good is never final. One always has to fight for the truth, but that is not in clash with religion. We have to fight for paradise till the last breath, nothing is final and that is how God wants it.
The life of children and professors in the school is affected by political activity of strange relations at ministries. The children of the employees at the ministry are inheriting characteristics of their parents and the evil Voldemort is penetrating to ministries, the fight is continuing especially at school, where opposing strengths are concentrating and according to their ability the strength of the hellish magician is rising or falling. Goblins, mysterious being of the forest and strange creatures in school building are depicting the mysteriousness of the story ? all of these are maintaining the equilibrium of the world in such a paradoxical way, as it happens in real life.
Life nowadays is thus changing measurements of popularity or interest of its population. Successes in sports are admired more than success of the spirit; sport events are drawing more attention than political problems.
Till today, that is the end of 2005 there are already 6 books of Harry Potter translated nearly into all languages and 4 books have been already filmed and Harry Potter has admirers all over the world.

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