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A flight into the realms of self eccentricity is almost always a flight into the realms of distinctiveness, something which instantly raises the dignity of an individual to an elevation where it cannot be touched or disturbed. More often than not we place our selfhood at a level which is accessible to the whim of every thought, to the skepticism of the ordinary, to the scrutiny of common perception which incapacitates our true faculty of objectivism. The FOUNTAINHEAD is a novel which propounds that life is a search, a search for truth and reason and is based on the glorious faith that truth is something which is worth discovering.

Standing on the harbor when we see a ship disappear along the earths curve we realize what Galileo claimed is true, when we look at the murky stars in the night sky we realize that there will always remain a world surrealistic to man, when we look at strange corals deep beneath the sea we realize over a myriad life forms live in synchronization with each other. Everything attests that the universe what so ideally created to adjust to mans reasoning powers. When man lives in a world that abounds a rationale for every speck there is on it then why has he himself been cradled by irrationalism. Howard Roark raises this momentous question to a collectivist society which more or less thrives on doctrines of altruism, service and sacrifice. Roark reflects that most people teeter on the brink between right and wrong, presence and absence, yes or no and arrive at a vague average of life. They fail to create their own path of substantiation in a mindless race to accomplish things which the world regards as accomplishments. He propagates at every instance that beauty is distinctiveness and one must not live for a cause created by another individual because something which can be done by one substance should never be tried with another. In order to restore dignity of existence to every molecule that makes up the world one should allow it to forge its own identity, purpose and reason for being here. That Roark says is only kind of morality he practices and worships. Individuality is the implicit pre requisite of integrity and rectitude, it is that which grants immense credibility to a mans selfhood.

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