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Sense And Sensibility
(jane austen)

jane austen's sense and sensibility is a book based on the emotions of women. the story revolves around the family of the Dashwoods which consists of mrs.dashwood and her daughters Elinor, Marianne and Margaret. the story begins with the death of mr. henry dashwood why upon dying makes his son from his first wife john dashwood promise to take care of his step sisters after his death. mr. john dashwood however under his wife's influence refrains from providing any financial assistance to his sisters who are soon compelled to move out of their father's house. in their new house they make several new aquaintences which influence their lives each in a different manner. their landlord sir john middleton and lady middleton are very amiable towards them and often invite tham to their house for dinning. it is on one such occassion tht the miss dashwoods come across colonel brandon who is a middleaged and very serious man. they also meet lady middleton's mother mrs jennings who is an extremely amiable and talkative woman. one day marianne meets a young man called willoubhy towards whom she soon develops a very strong liking. everybody is quick to observe this and colonel brandon is particularly hurt by this as he has a liking for marianne. Elinor on the other hand is greatly disturbed as she discovers that edward ferrars whom she likes and who is also the brother of mrs. john dashwood is secretly engaged to another woman. after sometime marianne finds out that willoughby is unfaithful and insincere towards her. both sisters now face the same pangs and it is notable how differently they deal with it. toward the end elinor is married to edward ferrars and marriane to colonel brandon.

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