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The Greatest Miracle In The World
(Og Mandino)

"The Greatest Miracle in the World", by Og Mandino, tells
the TRUE tale of a very successful author (Og Mandino
himself) who encounters a wise old man (or Ragpicker, as
he calls him) and, as a result of their mystical
relationship, reveals ageless wisdom, knowledge, and his
laws for finding happiness and success.

The story is very uplifting, easy to read, and full of
charm. It has some real recipes on how to handle day to day
problems and a mysterious character that easily becomes
unforgettable. I'm surprised nobody has converted this into
a movie over the past 30 years that it has been on the book

The author is able to tell true stories very well and
captures his audience. He tells true stories of inspiration
that capture his readers' hearts. This book shares how
miraculous a human being is. And how grateful we can be at
the moment we realize just how wonderful our Creator made us
from the inside out. This book won't allow you to view
yourself or others in the same way again.

If you ever feel like you're not important or your life
isn't going the way you want it to go, please pick up this
book. You'll look at life and people in a whole new way.
You'll learn to be thankful for the little things in life
and even people in your life whether they're good or not.

We live in a World that is engulfed with negativity, this
book will help you make a difference in that. It
will make you change yourself and, in result, change the
lives of those around you just because you lived. Mandino
teaches us that we're all capable of making miracles
happen. The Greatest Miracle in the World is where it all

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


