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Alice In Wonderland
(Carrol Lewis)

Alice an inquisitive, trusting, and bold little girl is sitting with her older sister on the bank who is reading a book. Alice gets bored and fall asleep. Suddenly a White Rabbit wearing a waistcoat and pocket watch hurry passes Alice worrying about being too late. Alice follows the White Rabbit through a rabbit hole which leads into a hall with a tiny locked door that leads to a beautiful garden. She eats and drinks things which cause her to change in size. She becomes enormous and then gets smaller. She is now tiny enough to swim about in a pool made of her own tears from crying. In the pool, she comes across many creatures. The wet creatures and Alice all gather on the shore and tries to figure out how to get dry. A proposal to have a caucus race is set to help in the drying process. The creatures and Alice are finally dried off, and Alice is left alone. She comes to a house in the woods, where a Duchess, her unsightly little baby boy, her aggressive Cook, and her Cheshire Cat dwell. The air in the kitchen is filled by pepper and dishes which were tossed in rage. Out of the blue the crazy cook starts throwing everything in the kitchen at the Duchess and the baby. That is one cook which would have been gone long. Alice scared that the baby may be killed in all the riot pleads with the cook to be careful of what she?s doing. Alice head is threatened to be chopped off by the Duchess who starts singing to her baby and shaking him aggressively. The baby is flung at Alice and is told that she can nurse the baby if she wants. Alice makes a decision that she should take the baby away with her before the Duchess and the Cook kills him, but the baby soon turns into a pig, which is definitely scary and Alice lets it go. The Cheshire Cat which in truth is a grinning cat appears and advises Alice to visit the Mad Hatter or the March Hare. Therefore as told Alice goes to the March Hare's house, where he is accompanied by the Mad Hatter having tea and a Dormouse sleeps between them. Alice sits down at the table with the three friends, but she is soon yelled at that there is no room. She becomes angry with the three and leaves. Trust a grinning cat to send you somewhere to be shouted at. She goes through a door seen in a tree and she is back in the room with the tiny door escorting to the garden. She ends up getting into the garden. She comes across three gardeners painting white roses red in the garden. Strange act she must have thought to herself. The Queen and her associates of playing cards suddenly appear and Alice is invited to play croquet by the Queen.The Duchess she met earlier in the story is to be executed. Alice is brought back to court by the Gryphon when the trial is begins. The Knave of Hearts is on trial for stealing the Queen's tarts. Eager to be in court and to listen to the evidence of the Hatter and the Cook, Alice is also called to be a witness after she has mysteriously grown huge again. Alice is impolite and the King commands her to depart from the court, but she rejects the command. Alice is annoyed by the injustice of the court's actions and speaks out only to have the Queen to command her execution. Alice further adds injury to insult by telling the court that all they are is a pack of cards. The court gets violent and attacks her. Alice grasp that she has been sleeping for some time in her sister's lap, and recites to her sister about her amazing dream of Wonderland.

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- Alice In Wonderland

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- Alice?s Adventures In Wonderland (1865

- Alice?s Adventures In Wonderland (1865)

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