Diet Can Delay Aging
(p.naga rpasad)
Diet can delay aging Women often express feelings of discontent about their body image,whichin turn may contribute to the initiatin and/or maintenanceof eating disorders and exercise addiction in middle life. Women fail toaccept certainbiologicalfacts about midlife transitin which are genetically based as emales are born withmore fat cells and slower metabolic rates than males. Theyalsohave different hormonalinfluences than males(i.e.estrogen,progesterone),which increase the likelihood of weight gain throughout the life cycle. While al body sytems change with age, it appears that women worry most about their weight and skin. For example,skin changes can be devastating for women because they are the most visible. Therefore to revent such problems,build a strong nutritins foundatin to slow down the aging process further. All women above 30 years should consume sufficient calcium,proteins,vitamins and minerls because that would give them strong bones, glowing skin and lustrous hair whichwillkeep them looking young.
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