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Danger Ahead:warning Signs Tolook Out For

Danger ahead:Warning signs to look outfor
Diabets is a silent killer,but it leaves several calling
cards. You only have to be alert tonotice the disease. If
you spot anyof the following signs,no matter how young or
fit yu are, consult a doctor.
1.Increase in urine volume
and frequency as blood glucose levels goupand the kidneys
tryto excrete exces glucose.
2.Increased thrist. Since
water is lost in excessive urinatin,the patient drinks more
water.Excess sugar concentrates in thebloodand this
Increase thirst.
3.Generalweakness and
4.Weight loss. Many patients in the initial
stes of diabetes notice theyare actually eating more and
yet losing weight.
5.Increased hunger. Thugh blood
glucose levels re high,glucose is nt available for cells
and the body clamours for food.
6.Blurred vision.
Caused by fast increasing blood glucose levels which can
cause fluid shifts in the lens of the eye.
of gums,gbladder and skin. Women maynotice recurrent
urinaryor vaginal infections.
9.Heaing of wounds is slow
in non-insulin dependent
11.Tingling or
numbness in the hands or feet,itching.

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