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Enhance Your Child's Ability Of Expression
(Yang,Jia- Rong)

" To express something" sounds like a natural ability everyone has,but in fact people express in many different ways, some better, some worse. However, it can be improved by training. This book is especially written for those who want to improve their children's ability of expression. The content is full of guiding creativity with various media, such as painting, acting, story telling,etc, to develop children's expressiveness. The author has been teaching for more than a decade which is a great material source of her writing.She created a book for children to read, to speak, to write and paint and to play with.There are also different units for children to learn more easily.Through learning by games, children can experience the relationships among speaking, painting and writing. Sometimes they seem very different,but actually they're also the same. After knowing the key points of each unit, children will be able to express very well. You'll never have to be disappointed by your child's poor composition performance and bad expression ability.As long as you make a good use of the great methods that this book provides,you'll expect great improvement from your child.

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