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Turning Up The Heat

Trning upthe Heat
How many smokers are deterred by
statutory warnings printed on cigaratee packs? May be only
a few;still the practice keeps up the pressure. Global
warming warnings bounce off most of us. Howeverscientists
and environmentalists continue to warn us regularly of the
perils of unsustainable development practices and its
alarming effects on the world?s climate patterns. We are
compromising our future health by not heeding warnings on
climate Futures Project at Harvard Medical School?s Centre
for Health and the Global Environment. The three-year
study results imply that we tend to view the effect tof
global warming on the environment as though we were
ourselves not really part of it. Dying habitants,extintion
of species,rising sea levels and shifting ecosystems and
ocean currents are, infact, einextricably llinked to the
way we live,and so decide our collective future. Health
considerations in particular should motivate us to cut back
on greenhouse gases that aarise form large-scale
consumption of fossil fuel,warns the study.
The Hrvard
report says that freak hurricanes,flooding and heat
waves,aggravated by global warming,could encourage breeding
of infected by the diseases. Where malaria is present
already ,warming trends could increase the incidence with
increasing mosquito populatins. On the other hand,asthma
cases are rising,particularly in metropolitan and
industrial areas where pollution levels due toemissions are
climbing steadily. The worst affected are childred.,whose
fragile systems succumb easily to the toxic air they
breathe. Asthma is also being aggravated by rise in the
growth of fungus, weeds and pollen that thrive in warm,
humid conditions. Earlier reports of disappearing
permafrost in the Arctic region are worrying scientists who
fear that our anthropomorphic zeal could well destroy
forever someof the finest species of plants and animals on
the planet. Inits world Energy Outlook, the Internatinal
EnergyAgency predicts that the World?s energy demand and
GHG emissions will soar bymore than 50% by 2030 if present
consumption patterns continue unabated. All fingers are
pointing at China, second only to the US in its total
emissions. Perhaps the US scould beome a role model for
China and hers , and demnstrate how to cut back emissions
without compromising economic growth.

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- Climate Change - What Is It?

- Global Warming

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