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Stop Paddling/ Start Sailing
(Roger Smith)

Stop Paddling/Start Sailing is the most resourceful true story that not only opens your imagination, but enlightens the reader to the world of Manic Depression. When I first read what the book was about I thought it would be a depressing read. But to my pure enjoyment I found a page turning story written with a new perspective on life and the challenges it brings to all of us. It is an appealing book that is a stirring combination of one persons experience, a story and honest advice that makes for a revealing enjoyable read. Stop Paddling/ Start Sailing offers a unique read, a book with the story written in three distinctive adaptations of the story, all of which are a fascinating way of merging together a personal life experience, science, popular song, memory, poetry and anecdotes. It is remarkable the way in which the book returns metaphorically to the title and brings the story to a inspiring conclusion. Not only is it written in a beautifully and engaging form, the wording is in a simple approach which makes for appealing read for all. Anyone who reads the book will have a better understanding of Manic Depression without all the medical jargon. Even though the book is a fast read, I recommend it to all readers who enjoy true stories. I sincerely hope that Roger Smith continues to write more books using the same stimulating mode. This is life-book that will guide it?s readers to the self conclusion that no matter what life throws our way we can triumph over the problems by using the right way of thinking and proper tools. This book is delightful to read and presents a gratifying culmination with one mans method of dealing with difficulties anyone may come across in their lives. It is a gift of help through this excursion we call life, and directions to wherever or whatever we want to achieve. Stop Paddling/ Start Sailing is a must read for everyone and I recommend leaving it out where guests to your home will pick it and glance through it becoming intrigued enough to want their own copy. Get your copy today by contacting Roger Smith at [email protected]
Review by
Brenda Herzog

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