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Who Was Sunking
(p.naga prasad)

Who was Sunking?
Louis XIV came to the throne of France
in1643,aged four year and eight months this reign ended
seventy two years later in September 1st,1715,four days
before his seventhseventh birthday not only was this reign
the laongest of any european monarchit was alsoone of most
glorious periods in whole history of france. Louis did not
really start to rule until 1660. In the same year he
married meria Theresa,a spanishprincess then he get ut to
make france the greatest owerin Europe,and by 1678 he had
buit up quite a large empire after that,however, his luck
changed and frances army whichpeople had thought was
unbeatable-suffered some big defects experides fom within
of orange and his famous general,the duke of
Marlborough,however,louis was more then just a military
minded dictotor. He enouvated music and the arts and built
the splendid palace of ve rsailler. So rich and glorious
ws his reign that he wa given richness sunking.

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