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Decades, Centries, Is 37 Old?
(Launa Needham)

Decades?Centuries?Is 37 Old?
I remember a time in my life***I was 7 years old***it was 1970, yes I know that was forever ago but I remember, honest I do.
It was new years eve and I was sitting on the bed in my parents room, we were living in Crofton, in the big new house on Adelaide Street. My mom was sitting at the dressing table putting on her makeup, getting ready for a party she and my dad were attending at my auntie and uncle?s house down the street. She was explaining to me that the party was a special one, because not only would it be a new year, but the beginning of a new decade. It got me thinking about the future, no big deep questions, after all I was only 7. I asked her how Old I would be in 1980, she said 17, I asked how old in 1990, she said 27. I asked what came after 1999, she told me the year 2000 and I would be 37 then. And what a celebration it would be, the start of a whole new century. I looked at her and said, ?too bad I will miss it, 37 is really old and I will probably be dead before then.
Okay the year 2000 has came and went, it is now 2005 and I am 42 years old and a long ways from dead.
But as young children, we look to the future in days and moments. Always waiting for something, for Santa, a birthday, a fishing trip with Grandpa. And as young girls our thoughts never travel father than, a first date, a first boyfriend and that all important first kiss. All you want is for time to go faster, to hurry up and get to the good stuff. Now, 35 years later, I sit here and wonder why I was in such a hurry, and where the hell did the time go.
I can no longer recall any of those firsts, I couldn?t wait to experience. They were long ago over shadowed by the other firsts in my life, like my first love, the first time I had sex and the birth of my first child and strangely enough none of these firsts included my first love. Hmmmm funny how life works out. And you know even when you do things for the 2nd time it is just as wonderful, like the birth of my second son. And if I ever get the chance to marry for a 2nd time, hopefully it will outlast and out love the first one.
Life is full of firsts and a lot of seconds and thirds and a few ?do overs?, you know which ones I mean, these is the ?oh if I could do that over again I would do it differently? and ?oh my I wish I could do that over and over again? don?t blush, don?t be embarrassed, and most of all don?t deny it. We all have them. We just can?t do anything about them. As much as we?d like to sometimes, there is no going back, the past is just that, the past. We can?t change it or fix it. BUT, we can learn from it. Every action in our life has a re-action to go with it. And how we react is how we learn. The choices you make today help choose the path you take into the future. Some things in our life are totally out of our control, but how we react to each given situation is our choice.
There are few things in my life I regret and fewer I would go back and change if that were an option. But there are some things that I reacted to in a negative way, which ended up hurting me and some times others. I can?t change them, but I can recall then often and try not to let history repeat itself. Some times I have success and other times I fail.
I think life was a lot simpler when I was sitting on my mothers bed at 7 years old and thought 37 was the end of the world. But would I go back?.not on your life.

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