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Harmful Intent
(Cook, Robin)

Translation by: femme/300/5 November 2005
From the book's first page, the reader is caught up by an incident that seems rather mundane. Patty, a young woman, has just started having her first contractions. The baby is on the way, a happy event. There is nothing extraordinary about this. The reader, however, cannot refrain from avidly reading about this young woman's diverse emotions. After a few pages of reading, one even finds her endearing until she experiences a feeling of injustice when some of the book's other characters are present at her horrifying dellivery.
Patty's family cries out for justice! They need a guilty party! There is somebody who is quite willing to undertake this role, served on a platter-the anethesiologist, Jeffrey Rhodes.
The events that preceded Patty's death did not help Jeffrey's lawyer prove his innocence. But is he the one who really did it or is he the victim of a conspiracy?
The truth is so shocking, immoral, and unthinkable that the reader only has two alternatives-to go on reading at one sitting and quickly find out the end of the story or to pause to reflect on what has happened up to that point and tell themself that the line between fiction and reality is sometimes invisible.

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