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From the author of Exorcist, who claims with pride that if the exorcist made you shudder, Carrie will make you scream.
Most of the people may think that like Exorcist, this novel also deals with ghost and spirits. But the reality lies in the fact that, though, it?s not the tale of ghost, it terrifies you more than any spirit. The whole story has been woven in such a way that you tend to sympathize with the central character Carrie, whom the whole story is based on.
Carrie, is the victim of her mother?s unrealistic, would rather say insane, religious belief and the cruel society. Gifted with the power of, well-known psychological boon/bane, TK (telekinesis). Though with the kind of powers she possessed, she could have made EARTH the better place to live on but, ironically, she ends up yielding to the destruction of masses.
Reading this book you tend to question yourself as what can be done to avoid such situations. Will prior knowledge be of any help in tackling the whole thing skillfully. Just think if any of your relatives has this power, how comfortable will you be to share with that person as what is going on in your mind? if such a situation arise then making a hole in the skull is the only solution. Will the society be able to accept such a person?
Most of us may not be aware of the term ?telekinesis?, it?s the power through which you can move things just by thinking about! Just imagine, you?re sitting in the room and watching an interesting serial, suddenly someone knocks at the door, and you open the door just by thinking about it! In layman terms that?s what telekinesis is all about!
The novel gives you an insight in the mystery of human mind. the book doesn?t find solutions but makes you think of one. The psychological terms ?telepathy?, ?telekinesis?, ?psychokinesis? may sound very fascinating to the young minds but here the author tries to draw a picture of a ghastly situation where the power in possession of such power may end up being a threat to the whole society.
It is also a kind of satire to our materialistic and inexorable social system. May be Carrie would have never done what she did, if the society would have been little kind to her. If she would have been looked upon as another human being. Towards the end of the novel, you tend to hate the character of Chris, who is mainly responsible for the complete mayhem.
The peer rivalry to some extent is fine, but with the passing of time it should die out. The father of Chris, on the other hand doesn?t take any initiative to talk to his daughter and try to pacify the whole matter. Moreover, he goes to the authorities advocating for Chris.
Why do we try to suppress the already suppressed souls? Wouldn?t the world be a better place if we just mind our own business and do the needful for others when required. Though a piece of fiction, the novel is sure to drive you crazy with the narration by different witnesses.

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