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The Deaf Friend
(p.naga prasad)

The Deaf Friend
In a certain village there lived a merchant. He had a deaf
friend. This deaf friend heard that the Merchant was ill.
So he set out one afternoon to visit him. It?s my duty to
make my friend happy,he said to himslef. ?But I must be
careful about what I say,First I?ll ask, well,how are you
today? He?ll answer,fine,thank you. Then I?ll ask about
his food. He?ll say,Rice without salt,and I?ll say,that?s
good for you. I hope it helps you. Then I?ll ask,who is
your doctor? And he will tell me that such and such a
person is his doctor,and I?ll say?hope god willhelp him
will his work. The deaf man reached the merchant was very
sick and did not really want to talk to the visitor. My
dear friend,how are you? Asked the deaf man. I have a bad
fever,answered the maerchant I can?t sleep at night. The
deaf man smiled and said ?very good! I hope god will keep
you this way. I mean it! Then he asked,?what do you eat?
By this time the patient was angry ?The dust of the earth!?
he answered. ?That?s good for you said the deaf man. I
hope it helps you. And tellme,who is your doctor? Doctor?
cried the merchant?Death himself?. Oh,that?s fine, said
the deaf man I hope god willhelp him with his work. And he
returned home.

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