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Gain Control Of Your Anger
(mia bolaris)

With life getting more stressfull, we are becoming
less able to handle the pressure.What happens when pressure
build up ,there is an explotion.
This reaction has fallen into the category of
psycological disorder that affect our ability to function
properly.Disorder means our emotions, are out of disorder
and need organisation.The only time a reaction become
harmful,is when those who are experiencing them, exibit an
unacceptably way of responding to them.Here are few ways to
keep your cool in contol
1. unleash your anger: most of us do not express
our frustration over insugnificant annoyances.We accept
them has part of life.While this is effective in avoiding
fequent confrontation,it may prove detrimental at the long
run.If something bothers you ,make it known. your do not
have to scream.Dealing with emotion so that they do not
accumulate and push you to a point of no return.
2.accentuate the positive: Try not to use
derogatory language that will negatively affect the
individual.express frustration not anger.
3.keep your thougth to yourself: venting rarely
solve problame.But venting through creative outlet such as
writing a letter to someone who can rectify the situation.
4.talk it out: Tell them why you are upset and see
how you can reach a compromise.do not sugar coat your
expectation,even if it is not always possibly to get
them.At least others will know what you want.
5. Every thing happens for a reason:Review the
situation and see if you can derive somthing from it.Focus
on how this instant can help you grow or how it can be
avoided in the future.
6.Get away form it all: retreat into a peaceful
place,consider expressing your deeper feeling instead of
your outward anger,and perhaps there will be less hurt
feeling that way.

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- Emotion Management

- Anger

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- To Give Up Angry Control

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