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The Naked Sun
(Isaac Asimov)

Planet earth is potrayed as being poor and overpopulated since it's inhabitants suffer an irrational fear of open spaces and robots. While the outer space world is rich, each spacer lives on isolated estates, sorrounded by robot guards. They can see each other on Television but physical contact is forbidden, it's inhabitants are free from illnesses, have long lifetimes but continue to isolate the earth.

Murder occurs and a detective is sought from planet earth. The team of Elijah Bailey and R. Daneel Oliver have to investigate the murder. They are forced to fight against the prejudices of the outer space beings and their strange customs. This brings into the picture the difficulty in the explanation of the murder since the outer space culture whose inhabitants are scarce in number, protected and sorrounded by many robots, rely on sophisticated means of communication, all this to avoid physical contact could have commited the murder.

Though everyone suspects Aladia who is the wife of the murdered scientist due to the fact that she was at the scene on the day of the murder. Bailey does his investigations and reveals that Leebig, also a scientist is the culprit basing it on the fact that he had a plan to use robots to conquer the galaxy.

Resumos Relacionados

- Face To The Sun

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- The Naked Sun

- The Robots Of Dawn

- The Naked Sun

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