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Jane Eyre
(Charlotte Bronte)

What can I say? Jane Eyre is the classic of all classics. It is a story of a survivor who braves many obstacles and challenges to achieve true happiness. The central character and heroine is Eyre herself. There does not seem much hope for her as a girl. Both Jane's parents are deceased. Therefore, after enduring the wrath of her cruel Aunt Reed and the torment of her spoilt cousin John, Jane is sent away to a 'charitable institution' (or by today's standards impoverished boarding school). There, she learns the extent of her ignorance in a variety of subjects and is this time humiliated by the head of the school, Mr Brocklehurst, who has acquired an undeserving account of her supposedly rebellious personality through Aunt Reed. However, Jane learns to cope with life?s tribulations when she befriends Helen Burns and one of the teachers, Miss Temple. Burns is an inspiration to Jane, for she carries a Burden much greater than any of Jane?s. As for Miss Temple, she supports and defends Jane to the last.

When a serious epidemic breaks out there are many fatalities and Mr Brocklehurst has to review his strict ideas of the running of the school. So it is that Jane is relatively happy at school and several years later she becomes one of the teachers there. With Miss Temple as her role model, Jane cannot go wrong but with the departure of the former, Jane feels that she would relish a new challenge.

Therefore she goes to work as a governess for a young French girl named Adele at the imposing Gateshead Hall. Little does Jane now at the time that she would fall for the master of the house, the infamous Mr Rochester. To begin with Jane finds his ways rather strange but she soon grows to love his fiery personality. Sadly for Jane, she is about to enter a complex web of deceit. Mr Rochester holds a sinister secret kept in the uppermost chambers of the house.

Before she finds this out however, Jane is called to see her dieing Aunt Reed who has not changed one bit. She shows no remorse nor apologises to Jane for her cruelty. Consequently when she dies Jane does not feel much for the loss.

On her return to Gateshead Hall and the arrival of some interesting visitors, Jane eventually discovers this well kept ?secret.? She is so greatly saddened and disturbed that she has no choice but to leave, with no idea of where she will go and very little money. Jane travels on for days until she can walk no further. Fortunately, she stumbles upon a house in the middle of the night and it so happens that one of the occupants is a minister. He goes by the name of St. John Rivers and takes her in. Soon Jane comes to know the whole family and is adored by Rivers? two sisters Diana and Mary. After a while Jane feels that she needs a way to earn her keep and so St. John goes in search of employment for her. Jane eventually secures a post at the local school as the one and only teacher. The children she is teaching are not exactly upper class but they progress well. Jane is happy once again-apart from the fact that she still pines after Rochester.

But that isn?t all. One night St. John comes to see her in her new home, which is the cottage belonging to the school. He informs her that he has received a letter from a solicitor. This letter tells of Jane?s Uncle?s passing away. Moreover in his will, her uncle has left her the sum of ¤20 000-a lot of money in those days! Then as a bonus she discovers that the Rivers are actually her cousins! So Jane decides to give up working at the school and to go and live with the family she always wanted. St. John decides to teach Jane Indian. However he is a hard task master-and Jane soon finds out why. St. John wants to take her away with him on his missionary to India-as his wife. Jane feels that she cannot fulfill such a role but Rivers is insistent. In a panic, Jane prays to God for guidance-and at the same time she hears someone calling her name as if in a dream. Of course it can only be Mr RochesterThisrsuades Jane that she must go to find him at once. Without further warning to her cousins Jane goes early the very next morning. She returns to Gateshead Hall, which has been ruined. After further enquiry from a neighbour she is told that there was a great fire and that Mr Rochester went to live elsewhere. When he remembers the name of the new abode, Jane goes there immediately. She arrives in the evening-only to discover that Mr Rochester is blinded in one eye. Yet this fact does not disturb Jane and the love which she and Rochester have is rekindled. So for those of you who are put off at the mere thought of a classic, this one is not as hard going as you may imagine. An exciting and nail biting read which will leave you contemplating life.

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- Jane Eyre

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