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(p.naga prasad)

I am yet to be convinced. Millions of years old? True? Well I say again I am yet to be convinced! For Bible believing Christians this is a theory that is yet to be proven. We believe that the earth is just over six thousand years old. If one really sits and compares the evotion principle with that of creation he/she would realize that the creation principle makes more sense. It is true that when one looks at the concept of Creation is calls for faith to believe in one that we cannot see. That is the same faith with which Christians pray and receive answers to many o their request. When we look at the concept of Evolution there is one thing that always create a sense of disbelief. Based on the theory organisms evolved from one into the other. We have the case of humans of the view where humans evolved from Monkeys. Hmmm? What did they say? Monkeys? Well, I do not know about those who came up with this concept but I am too good looking to come from a Monkey. I was created by the God of heaven, one who took his time to form me in the worm during a nine-month period. Why then haven't human beings evolved into something else? We need to take a closer look at how things in nature work. Things are ordered: the seasons, life in itself, the weather and so much more. It took someone to create those things, someone to put those things in such great order. God in heaven is the creator of the Universe and He is still the sustainer of it. What am I saying? I am yet to be convinced with the Evolution Theory and since that theory may not change I will never be convinced.

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