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The Test Of Time.....
(p.naga prasad)

The Test of Time??.

Sheheld my hand and taught me how to walk,
She helped me sail through athe difficult beginning of ife, of which now only good memories remain.
She never told me I was wrong.
Whe told me that in life,situatins could go wrong and hw I could deal with them.
She taught me how to draw and helped me win my first prize,after which many followed.
She told me that I?d have to fight to survive in this world.
The art of,which I have mastered now.
Her goodnight kiss helped me strt a new morning.
She read me books when I fell ill.
She did even the small little things to make me smile.
She walked that extra mile to see theglow of happiness on my facr.
She loved me,even more than I lovedmyself.
Her hands tole me,there would always be support when I needed it and I could always cling to them for wupport,when there ws nothing to hold on to.
Her lips tole me,there always be someone to smile at me,
Even when the whole world sighed.
Her eyes tole me,I could look into them,even when I couldn?t confront my own.
Her ears told me and even understand the things I?d never say.
Her feet told me they would leave footprints to make my life easier.
Ikept holding her hand to cross all thepaths with her safely.
But she withdrew it at the Time I neede is the most.
My hand is still stretched out,
Waiting to feel the touch of the hand that once gave me life and meant the world to me!

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