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(p.naga prasad)


What is the time? You probably want the answer to theis question many times each day. In the modern world it is very important to know what the Time is a great number of evry day events depend on it. Television,trains,air flights,schools and sporting constests must all run on time. People who lived in Egypt and the middle east in ancient times also wanted to record time accurately but had not clocks with which to do so nevertheless 5,000 years ago, astronomers from ancient city of Babylon divided a day the period from sunriseto sunrise)into 24 hours,each hour into 60minutes and each minute into 60 seconds,today although we have clocks that can measure time ot within the tiniest fraction of a second, the ancient baby Ionian units of time still survive. We have day when our part of world faces the sun and night when it is turned away. Because the eaerth in slightly tilted,lends near the poles face towards the sun for most of summer and away from it for much of winter. Summer days are very long winter days very short. In northern Scandinavia. The land of the midnight Sun? . There is one day shown here when sun never sets.

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