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Ancient China
(P.Naga prasad)

Ancient China

People Begun to form the fertile lands bordering the yellow river in northern china 8,000 years ago. Later the land became a kingdom under rulers at shang dynasty. Their rule ws overthrown and china became a land of warring kingdoms until 3221bc. When it was united as one empire ruled by the QIN dynasty. The fisrt emperor Shi Hranadi commended new roads and canals to be built and every one had to use the same writing coins,weights and measures in 202 BC. The Han dynasty came to power and ruled china for 400 years. It was a time of wealth. Trading and inventin when emperor shi Hvangdi died he ws burie in an underground tomb. In 1974 farmers digging a well near the lost tomb discovered life size heads made form clay. Since then scientists have uncovered several pits containing 8000 clay soldiers,chariots and horses. It is clear that Shi Hunagdi wanted an army to defend him at all times-even in his tomb. The soldiers told bronze weapons such as swords,spears and arrows,some of which are still sharp after 2000 years. The shans people discovered how to make strong tools and weapons froma metal called Bronze,a mixture of copper and tin. Over the Centurier emperors of china built and re built a huge well across the north of country to stop invaders. Today the great wall of china is 6000 km long. It is largest object ever made by mankind.

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