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How Coyote Got Eh Better Of Wasichu
(p.nag prasad)

How Coyote got the better of Wasichu
Trickster tales have delighted people from time immemorial
in India,it is the fox or themonkey,which is often the
Tricksterbut sometimes Brer Rabbit outwits him. In native
America,it is oyote who is the biggest trickster,but small
tricksters like Iksome the spider sometimes outwit him.
There was a wasichu(white man)who was such a sharp trader
that nobody ever got the better of him. Or so people
said,until one day a man told this Wasichu:There?s somebody
who can get the better of you anytime,anywhere.? ?That?s
not possible,?said the Wasichu,?I?ve had a trading post for
many yeaers,and I?ve cheated all the Indians around
here.? ?Even so,Coyote can beat you inanydeal.? ?Let?s
see whether he can. Where is coyote? ?Over there,that
tricky-looking guy.? ?Okay ,all right.I?ii try him.? The
wasichu trader went over to Coyote. ?Hey,let?s see you
outsmart me?. ?I?m sorry,?said Coyote. ?I?d like tohelp
you out. But Ican?t do it without mycheating
medicine.? ?Cheating medicine?Hah!Go get it.? ?I live
miles from here and I?m on foot. But if you?d lend me your
fast horse I can go and get it.? ?Well,all right you can
borrow it. Gohome and get your cheating
medicine.? ?Well,friend,I?Ma poor rider. Your Horse is
afraid of me and I?M afraid of him. Lend me your clothes.
Then your horse will think that I am you. Well,all
right,here are myclothes. Now you can ride him. Go get
that Medicine. I?m sure I can beat it.? So Coyote rode
off with the wasichu?s fast horse and is fine clothes. The
wasichu stood there feeling very foolish and waiting for
the Coyote to return.

Resumos Relacionados

- Horse, Follow Closely

- Coyote.com.br/espelunca/ademir Assunção

- Alexander's Psychology, The Centaur Emperor

- Horse Fever: A Guide For Horse Lovers And Riders

- Animal Man #1-26

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