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The First Great English Poet
(p.naga prasad)

The First Great English Poet
Geoffrey Chaucer is considered by manyto be first great
English Poet. He lived form about 135 to 1400 and his
writing were greatly influenced by the work of earlier
French and Italian writers. He work a number of poems one
of which is a romance about the Trojan war called trailus
and cressida. He also wrote the famous Canterbury tales.
This is a collectin of stories of widely diffrrent kinds,
eachtold by a pilgrim on his way to cantebury to the shrine
o St.Thomas Becket. The pilgrims themselves,,whose journey
links the tales, are a splendid and motely collectin of
people,all vivdly alive, who show us what kind of man and
woman lived and worked in fortenth century. After
chances,there was no great English poet. Of almost 150
years. Inmiddle of 15th century though,Sir Thomas Malory
produced a masterpiece of English prose inhismorte d
Arthur,gathered froma number of different sources. It was
published in 1485(which was 14 years after the death of the
author)and was one of the first books to be printed by
William caxton at his famous pressat West

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