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Techniques On Written Communication
(Izidoro Blikstein)

Originally published in the 80's, the work departed from a
basic question from the author: what should one know to write properly? As a
work proposal, the professor tried to create a clear, direct and fun text. He
starts with the story about a manager in a rush who, being afraid of travelling
by plane, asks his secretary to buy him a train ticket to Rio de Janeiro. He
sends her an e-mail so puzzling that she bought the wrong ticket. From that
point on, he exposes the techniques and the secrets of written communication.

To Blikstein, the morality contained in the story is: ?those
who can?t write? loose their train ride!? That is title of the first chapter,
the thesis of book: if one can?t write properly, one will never get the
expected results.

This new edition into the collection ?To start with?,
reassures its permanent utility, in the sense that puts the reader into
thinking on the importance of a good writing, no matter it aims company
communication or academic purposes. According to the professor, writing should
be done, above all, clearly, concisely and attractively. ?People write (and
speak) regardless of how the message was elaborated. Mistakenly they assume
that ?if it is clear to me, it is clear to the reader?. According to
Bilkstein?s evaluation, the creation of confused, obscure a contradictory
texts, as the manager?s story illustrates, is the consequence of this
assumption. ?Those who can?t write? loose, not only their train ride, but also
a great deal more: their temper, their image and a good customer.?

Yet on the new technologies, Blikstein admits that they
brought speed, but not quality. Critically, the professor considers that the
writing remains is still poorly efficient, in e-mails.

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