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Exercise During Pregnancy
(p.naga prasad)

Exercise during pregnancy.
Once upon a time, doctors told pregnant women to take it
easyand rest as much as possible. Exercise was practically
forbidden. Now things have changed. We now that most non-
weight bearing exercises(e.g.swimming,stationary bicycling)
and walking are safe for pregnant women,beginning with 15
minutes of exercise three times a week and progressing as
tolerated. There are very few absolute contraindications
to exercise during pregnancy. Incompetent
cervix,intrauterine growth restriction,multiple gestatin
(triplets),persistent second or third trimester
bleeding,plaenta previa after 2528 wk
hypertensin,premature labour during current or prior
pregnancy,premature rupture of membranes and risk of
premature labour are absolute contraindications for
exercise during pregnancy. Relative contraindications to
exercise include extreme underweight or maternaleating
disorder,maternalarrhythmia (previously unevaluated) or
cardiovascular disorder,mild to moderate respiratory
disorder,previus spontaneous abortion,severe anaemia
(hb,10g/dl),twin pregnancy after 28 week gestatin and any
other significant medical condition. Women with these
conditios should be closely evaluated and followed up if
they wish to exercise during pregnancy. All pregnant women
should discontinue exercise until seen by a physician if
they experience significant shortness of
pain,amniotic fluid leakage,or decreased foetalmovement
during exercise. Positive effects of
exercise:Musculoskeletaldiscomfort during
pregnancy,especially bak pain,is common. The increased
weight and lordosis associated with pregnancy increases the
workload of themuscles in the lower back. Women who
exercise during pregnancy tend to have fewer
musculoskeletal complaints,including low-back pain,compared
with sedentary women. Pregnant women who exercise have
better self-image and fewer depressive symptoms,both during
and after pregnancy,than inactive women. Coompared with
sedentarywomen,pregnant women who exercise gain similar
amounts of weight or less weight and may have a smaller
amount of subcutaneous fat deposition. But,exercising
women do gain enough weight to support a healthy
pregnancy. Physically active women return to pre-
pregnancyweights faster than do sedentarywomen. Exercise
in thepostpartum period does nt adverselyaffect the new
mother,lactatin,or infant growth. Exercise duringpregnancy
is useful in preventing and treating gestatinal diabetes
mellitus. Several studies show improed glucose tolerance
and reduced insulin requirements in women with
gestationaldiabets who partiipate in low-intensityaerobic
exercise or resistance exercise. Pregnancy requires an
increae of 300 Calorie/day. Exercising women must replace
calories used during exercise. In addition,pregnant women
must drink plentyof fluids before,during,and after
exercise. After the first trimester,exercises performed in
the supine positin or exercise requiring prolonged
motionless standing should be avoided because these
positins obstruct venous return and decreae cardiac output
and cause hypo tensin.

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