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Fight Club
(Chuck Palahniuk)

This book spirals out of control, from the first word. This book is hypnotic and endless in its brilliance. Forget logic while reading this book or you?ll never finish it. Instead, let your imagination take over. Let every word sink in, and let the world around you disappear as you reach into the mind of a man unlike which you?ll ever have seen before.

The characters in this book are explosive, every character just another piece in this mad puzzle?Marla Singer, Big Bob, Tyler Durden, Robert Paulson, the narrator himself?This novel is a great expression of the wildness of life. This is the illogical world that we live in. These are people, marvel at how strange they are.

This books begins about a tale of incontrollable men, beating each other into mere pieces of pulp in basements and parking lots around the country, acting like animals, before returning back to their normal mundane day jobs and their stereotypical life styles in pubs, with families, whatever. This is Fight Club. But what lies behind Fight Club is something far deeper, far more impressive and far more dangerous. What lies behind Fight Club is the terrible truth?the terrible truth that will simply blow us all away?

I doubt you will read anything again quite like this book. Passionately written, every word is perfectly plucked and inserted from our world and into this one. Repetitive descriptions, and a skipping time frame all adds to the vicious tone of the book. This book is primitive, powerful and malicious. It leaves you with a terrible wonderment about just how complex are human beings and just what are us, us normal sane people, capable of?This book is art in words. Twisted dark paint plastered into a novel and brought to animation in English. Forget any inhibitions you might have, or any logic reasoning?they simply don?t exist in this book, and will only hold you back.Write your abstract here.

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