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Interview With A Vampire
(Anne Rice)

Beautifully written and flawless, this book opens a whole new world to the reader. One turn of a page, and one is bound to find it difficult to stop. The main, most distinct, feature I found was that the narrative (not officially told in first, but basically this is so) is told by a vampire.

This portrayal of a vampire was what I found most interesting. Vampires have been shown in a lot of ways ? evil devilish creatures, monsters hiding under the bed, primitive sexual beings, human?the list are endless. And yet, what?s strange about this novel, is that vampires are portrayed as all of these. The main character, Louis, tells of his tremendous internal struggle against the immortal craving for blood, and yet practically every night he goes out and feeds, regardless of such guilt?

He talks of this pain, but it never stops him from feeding. This selfishness is an integral part of being human, and of being a monster. Anne Rice, the author, produces a satisfactory mix of both these features. The result of this being that the readers are openly left to interpret their own feelings towards the main character, and the other vampires?are we to pity these creatures, or to curse them?

The story begins with Louis being human. Upon a fatal meeting with another vampire and with death, Louis meets the end of his old life, and begins another. This life is one he cannot accept; the death too rich and the misery too frequent. His life seems cold and cruel, as he tries to resist becoming a murderer. It is only when another vampire enters his life; Claudia, a vampire trapped in a little girls body, her doll-like appearance only highlighting the darkness within her as she kills mercilessly. But he loves her, and he loves him. But how can vampires even begin to comprehend love?
The three main characters, Lestat, the vampire who made Louis into what he is, there as well, travel around the world together. Despite all three being mortally dead, this novel is about life, life and all that it offers the three vampires. This novel follows them through their unique journeys of self realisation. But they do not want to find out who they are, but rather what they are?

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