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Radiant Health

Health and peace of mind are among life?s greatest treasure. Whatever our age or means, most of us may enjoy a fuller degree of physical health, and none need lack mental peace. Everyone holds the key. we shall endeavour to set forth certain basic principles which are neccessary for the keys to be used effectively.

The fact is obvious that an every hand will find suffering and disease, people are afflicted with all kinds of aliments, among which cancer, diabetes, and disease of heart and blood vessel rank high, increasing demand is made on the hospital services.

As we become aware of the prevailing condition, we might well ask, how can we avoid serious illness?

First of all, what is Health and disease?
According to Taber?s medical dictionary, health is ?wholeness, a condition a condition in which all functions of the body and mind are normally active?. From this, we see that the normal, natural, state of mind is ?health?.

It is recognised that the right approach to the problem of curing or avoiding disease, is to concentrate on restoring or maintaining positive health. For instance, a nurse is taugh that she must give special attention to diet, cleanliness, fresh air, rest and exercise. If she maintain her health in this way, she would be able to endure the strain of attending to the sick, disease and germs will not be able to flourish. Generally speaking, the same rules she follows in order to regain health-though they will need to adhere even more strictly to nature?s rules during the period of restoration. Any injurious habit should be corrected, so that bodily health is restored to the point where disease and germs are simply unable to flourish.

But how can we build up our health? Proper nutrition comes first. The greatest single factor in promoting and maintain health is proper nutrition. Without it, disease is sure to appear. Right food forms te foundation for health. Poor food means poor nutrition; poor nutrition leads to poor physical structure and poor structure spells ill health and disease.

There are many other factors to be considered of course. These include execise, fresh air, proper clothing, personal hygiene and mental peace. But food is the greatest single factor.

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