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Y W Quiz
(p.naga prasad)

Y W Quiz

1.Namethe poet of suchfamous works
like?the Rime of the Ancient Mariner?and ?Kuble Khan? who
would have turned 233 today.

2.Wh is the founder of
the ?The art of living Foundatin??

3.After which
swede,who is world famous for another reason,is the
synthetic element with Atomic Number 102 named?
was nicknamed?the king of Rockand Roll??
5.What will
happen in Germanyfor the first time since Habsburg Empress
Maria Theresa?s reign which ended in 170?
6.Mehta Kalu
and Mat Tripta were the parents of??
7.Whose birth
anniversaryis observed as ?InternationalNurses Day??

8.What happened at 9:20:38a.m(ist)on October 8,2005?

9.Who is the winner of this Year?s euro50,000 Man
Booker Prize for fiction?
10.With which major Asian
leader is the ?Great Leap Forward?, an attempt toincrease
agriculture and industrial production,associated?

11.Which woodwind instrument was invented by Belgian-
born instrument-makerand clarinetist in the 1840s?
which faith,the largest followers of which are in India,is
the UniversalHouse of Justice the Supreme governing
13.What us reckoned to have been formed
4.57 billion years ago?
14.In Popeye comics,name Olive
Oyl?s originalboyfriend.
15.When measured relative to
sea level,which is the lowest point on land?

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- The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner And Other Poems

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