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White Night In Saint Petersburg
(Michel de Grece)

In this book, the author, Michel de Grece tells about the life of a member of his family: Nicolas, relative of the famous Romanov, whose name has been forgotten in History. Some precise details on the author, whose geneaology is qui impressive. His father, the Prince Christophe of Grece, was greek, but his grandfather paternal side, Georges the first, was a danish prince that Greece manage to convince to come to reign in his land and who married the young grand duchess Olga of russian origin, niece of the Tsar...While his mother, Francoise, sister of the Comte of Paris, she belonged to the great family of the House of France, from Louis XIII and had in his family the Duc of Orleans and Louis Philip. Let us add that Michel de Grece is by the way the cousin of Philip of Edinburg, the husband of Queen Elizabeth, of the King of Spain and the Queen of Denmark. What else to say about this book? Impressive amount of research, undertaken by Michel de Grece to rehabilitate the History of his grand uncles, erased from all official documents and "forgotten" by all dictionnaries and like always, the mixed genres of History and Romance.

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