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The Da Vinci Code
(Dan Brown)

An elderly curator of the Louvre museum is found dead in highly suspicious circumstances leaving behind a code that seems indecipherable. Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is called in to decipher the code and aided by the curator?s granddaughter Sophie they begin to realise what lies behind the code has a meaning that could change the course of history as we know it.

A follow on from the excellent Angels and Demons, Dan Brown depicts a mystery that is almost as old as time itself. Follow Robert and Sophie as their quest for the truth and the ultimate revealing of the code takes them on an international journey filled with suspense, danger and shocking revelations. They quickly learn who can and cannot be trusted and more critically who will kill to prevent the secret becoming uncovered. One of the most read books of recent years and deservedly so.

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- The Da Vinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

- The Davinci Code

- The Da Vinci Code

- Dan Brown

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