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The Mystery Of Esp
(Chris Oxlade)

For many years, people have wondered about unexplained occurences like UFO, the power of Nostradamus and many other mysteries and unexplained occurences which have no explanation. All these mysteries are bafling and we cannot find any answers to them. Even science cannot unravel the mystery.

Extra-sensory perception is one occurence and it is a mystery in the sense that it is not perceived by the normal senses. Some people term it as the 'sixth sense'.

ESP is like a paranormal experience and some people have this gift. There are also sceptics who do not believe in it at all and they say that it is just coincidence. An example is when you start to say something and somebody interrupts you to say 'I was just about to say the same thing'. No one really knows when people first started being aware of these unexplained experiences. Religion tells us and some people believe it too that there is a soul that lives on after one dies. Now people are more aware of these paranormal events. It was actually in the 19th century that people began to communicate with spirits and organise seances with a medium who communicates with the spirits.I, for one know that the spirits communicate with me now and then. They simply enter my subconscious and I try to understand what the spirit is trying to tell me. Most of the sp
Parapsychology is a branch of psychology which seeks answers to odd events which cannot be explained by science. A psychic person experiences these unexplained events and it could be in the areas ot telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and telekineses. Uri Geller is a well known example of one who practices telekineses by bending a spoon with his mind. People also have some exceptional power like levitation wherein they can make objects float above by the power of the mind.

There is no concrete evidence according to scientists that ESP exists, although they have not dismissed it totally. And some people all over the world do know and believe it. It is really a gift and not everyone has it.

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