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Women On Top
(Nancy Friday)

Both metaphorically and physically Friday places women 'on top', this is a work of astounding eroticism and also a feminist text of unrivalled finess. This book is a compilation of letters from women in the street, edited and commented on by Nancy Friday. In print since it was first made available in 1991 it has proved popular beyond belief and deserves both our attention and our heartfelt praise.

With chapters titled 'Insatiable Women: The Cry For More!' and 'Seperating Sex and Love: In praise of Masturbation' we are given a version of female sexuality only very rarely hinted at. Nancy Friday throws open the doors of feminine desire and allows the men who read a glimpse into the forbidden world that women have hidden away for so long. It shows women that we are normal after all, that our secret fantasies are in actual fact shared by the rest of our sex and we are not alone in our feelings.

A book to be kept by the bedside and treasured with each re-read.

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- Captivating

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