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James And The Giant Peach
(Roald Dahl)

James Henry Trotter's young life seems anything but
ideal. When his parents are killed in a rhinoceros accident he is forced
to live with his Aunts, Sponge and Spiker who are anything but pleasant. After
three years he begins to think of himself as the saddest and loneliest boy that
ever was. He thinks that he may be
miserable for the rest of forever, but all that is changed one day when he
meets a mysterious man and is given a box of green crystals guaranteed to help
with his problems. This guarantee comes true when James spills the
crystals near an old peach tree and magical things begin to happen as a peach
takes root and begins to grow.

At first it seems like even this magical event will be
ruined by his Aunts who wish to use the peach for their own purposes, but James
sneaks out of the house and comes to find that the peach is already home to
several folks who don?t like his aunts any more than he does. All at once he makes the acquaintance of
several garden residents, who were affected by the crystals much as the peach,
including: grasshopper, lady bug, spider, centipede, earthworm, and glow worm
all with distinct personalities and ideas on the situation. With a magical snap of a peach stem the peach
rolls away taking James and his new friends away from their old lives and into
a series of adventures, including a run in with hungry sharks and angry cloud people,
which brings them closer together forming an odd family as they travel. When the insects bicker it?s generally James
who steps forward to make the peace and to offer suggestions that keep them
rolling, or in some cases floating, along until they reach their final destination
of New York City.

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- James And The Giant Peach

- James And The Giant Peach

- James And The Giant Peach

- James And The Giant Peach

- James And The Giant Peach

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