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(Anthony Grey)

Incredible! Enormous! Astonishing! No, I am not exaggerating! Anybody who had the opportunity to relish Anthony Grey's "SAIGON" will utter those exclamations with out exception. Mr Grey is a great story teller, we all know, but this amazing Novel about SAIGON and Vietnam is Outstanding. Right from the beginning, Grey ties us with an invisible steel wire and in the end, we sway in the space, with tears in our eyes! Significant Nation. Wonderful people! Notable historical happenings! Marvelous era! Superb Plot! Impressive actions! Noteworthy lessons even for the super power like United States! Fabulous Girls! Yeah, upto the last descendant of the Royal and Political family, "Tuet" (Read pure snow), the Girls mesmerize the reader to a very great extent! How can I even try to explain my feelings about the French debacle, March of Hoe se min, the north and south divide, sacrifices of Viet Cong, the one and only Tet offensive and the historical American evacuation! A must read! A soul purifier! A shameless battle cry! A classy family saga that percolates down to more than three generations! I'll present this book to my very best and special kid!

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